

I’m not an expert. I’ve never claimed to be an expert. In fact, I’m willing to bet that most experts are aware that someone else out there in this vast ocean of people is more knowledgeable than they are in any given field. I’m a worship leader by trade. That doesn’t mean, and should never mean that I’m closer to God or in tune with the heart of God. Well, not necessarily. Obviously, I’m a worship leader and must, therefore, have some form of more intimate knowledge if I am leading people into worship. However, we are all worshippers. We are all ministers. The fact that I’m a worship leader by trade is that I was (I’d like to use the word lucky here, but hard-nosers would remind me I’m blessed) blessed/lucky enough to be one of the few that God chose to make a living of bringing people to the place I’ve been with God. There’s the catch about being the expert. Your experience and knowledge can never stop growing. I can’t just decide to point people to God, one day. I have to bring them along to where I’ve been. Which means? Yep. You got it. I’ve got to be continually growing in my relationship with Christ. I’ve…never...arrived…

My job is not to be a signpost pointing to where God is, my calling is to leave breadcrumbs for people to follow, holding their hand if it’s needed.


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