Scripture says in Leviticus 11:44 to “Be Holy for I am holy.” I used to think that meant I had to try really hard to be holy like God is: to follow his example. I have heard many people say, “God knows you’re not going to be perfect, but he expects you to try.” What is that?! God know you’re going to fail, but try real hard anyway? That’s stupid! That’s like in High School when they used to tell us that the standardized test we were taking doesn’t really count for anything for us, our grade is unaffected, and the school is only being graded on your performance; but do your best anyway. Why?
Let’s think back to the encounter between Moses and God at the burning bush in Exodus 3. God tells Moses in Verse 5 that the ground on which he’s standing is holy. It happened to Joshua in Joshua 5:15 when the captain of the army of the Lord tells him the exact same thing. Was the actual, physical dirt holy? No. What made it holy was the presence of God.
The tabernacle had a holy place and the most holy place, or holy of holies. Was the room itself holy? No. It was just a space cordoned off by fine linen and gold. What made it holy was the presence of God.
I Corinthians 3:16-17 says, “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you…The temple of God is holy, and that’s what you are.” When we as follower of Christ are called to “be Holy for [God is] holy,” it’s not a command but an explanation. It’s like setting a bird free while saying the words, “Be free.” You’re not commanding the bird to try it’s best to be free. Even though it’s impossible to free yourself, you, little bird, should try really hard anyway. No, the words ‘be free’ are an explanation of the bird’s state and an encouragement that freedom is what the person in charge (me holding the bird) wants and has granted. God is saying, “be holy” in the same way. Holiness is what he desires, and its what he’s granted to me by making me his temple; his dwelling place. Because he dwells in me, I am holy! When God says “be holy for I am holy,” what he’s really saying is, “you are holy because I am holy and I have chosen you as my dwelling place. My presence, not what you do, makes you holy. Wow! Rest in that today!